Konzert Review
von Torsten Strube
![]() ![]() Translated from German by Dave and Brigitte - click the flag for your choice |
Hamburg im TEN YEARS AFTER Rausch
Im völlig überfüllten
Downtown Blues Club in Hamburg spielten die Vier von TEN YEARS AFTER. Ohne Alvin
Lee, aber mit dem neuen hochinteressanten Gitarristen Joe Gooch aus GB.
Die "Twin Dragons" mit Andrea
Braido (Italiens Gitarrist Nr. 1) und Bassmann und Sänger Nathaniel Peterson eröffneten
den Abend mit wirklich atemberaubenden Gitarrenläufen. Ich kann mich nicht
erinnern, deratig schnelle jazzriffs,
bluenotes und sichere Slide Kombinationen gehört zu haben. Die Gitarre muß man gehört und gesehen haben. Es war absolut
überragend. Mit viel Dampf und Lust am Spiel konnten die "Twin Dragons" das
Hamburger Publikum überzeugen. Im Frühjahr 2003 kommen die "Twin Dragons" allein nach
Hamburg. Ein "Muß" für jeden Rockfan!
Nachdem die "Twin Dragons"
dem Puplikum so richtig eingeheizt hatten, kamen sie auf die Bühne: Chick
Churchill, Ric Lee, Leo Lyons und der neue Gitarrist Joe Gooch. Mit viel Lust und
Drive legten sie mit "I Woke Up This Morning" los. Die meisten kannten
den Song auswendig. Die Stimmung war sofort da. Joe spielte blitzsaubere Riffs
und überzeugte durch Spritzigkeit. Geführt von den drei "Alten"
gelang es ihm, sich sofort in die Herzen der Hamburger zu spielen. Leo überzeugte
in gewohnter Manier am Bass, während Ric an den Drums für den nötigen Druck
sorgte. Chick an den Keyboards hatte diverse hervorragende Solos und man fragt
sich warum das in den letzten 20 Jahren auf Slow Blues beschränkt war. Der Mann
ist klasse. Allen hat hervorragend Spaß gemacht, die "alten Recken"
mal wieder live in so einer tollen Clubatmosphäre zu hören. Das Hamburger
Publikum war einmal mehr weder unterkühlt noch zurückhaltend. "Me and my
Baby", "Redhouse Blues" und der "Riesen-Hit" "I'd
Love To Change The World" waren echte Klassiker, die sich wohltuend vom
bisherigen Live-Set abhoben. Joe spielte sich bei "Love Like A Man" in
einen Rausch. Das Publikum klatsche frenetisch Beifall nach jedem Solo! Der Mann
ist die absolute Chance für Ten Years After.
Mit wahnsinniger
Schnelligkeit, interessanten Riffs und präzisem Timing überzeugte Joe, dass er
Alvin absolut das Wasser reichen kann. Toll Joe! "50.000 Miles Beneath My
Brain", "Good Morning Little Schoolgirl" und das legendäre
"I´m Going Home"
beeindruckten tief.
Die Zuschauer belohnten die
Band nach knapp 2 Stunden mit standing ovation und bekamen 3 ! Zugaben. Absolut
glücklich und zufrieden, freuen sich die Hamburger auf den Sommer. Da sollen
TEN YEARS AFTER mit neuer CD und großer Europa Tournee wieder in der Stadt
sein. TEN YEARS AFTER IS BACK! Ein toller Abend und für die meisten Zuschauer
ein tief beeindruckender Abend mit Live-Musik der absoluten Spitzenklasse.
Vielen Dank TEN YEARS AFTER - Joe, Leo, Ric, Chick, Danke auch an Brigitte und Dave für den tollen Abend. Wir werden ihn nicht
Torsten Strube
Playlist 1. I Woke
Up This Morning 2.
Hear Me Calling 3. I May Be Wrong 4. Love Like A Man 5. Bad Blood |
Concert Review by Torsten Strube
![]() ![]() Translated from German by Dave and Brigitte - click the flag for your choice |
Hamburg in
Enthusiastic Frenzy over Appearance of
It didn't take long for the
"Downtown Blues Club" in Hamburg to fill to over capacity to see the
new extraordinary guitar player and newest member of TEN YEARS AFTER - JOE GOOCH
from Great Britain.
The "Twin Dragons"
with Andrea
Braido (Italy's no. 1 guitarist) and bassman, singer and songwriter Nathaniel Peterson
(from Savoy Brown) were the opening band on this night. Gregorio from Italy was
the excellent replacement drummer for Tom Compton, who is the primary drummer
for "Twin Dragons", but was unable to attend this tour.
I can't remember to ever
have heard such breath-taking guitar playing, fast jazz-riffs, combinations of
bluenotes and guitar slides. It was outstanding. This band has to be seen and
heard live to be fully appreciated.
The "Twin Dragons" brought with them high energy, overwhelming
passion and desire to kick the place alive. At the end of their hour long set
they were given a standing ovation by everyone. Next Spring 2003 the "Twin
Dragons" will appear again in concert in Hamburg. A "Must" for
all Rock Fans to experience.
By the time the "Twin
Dragons" finished their set the audience was more than ready for the
legendary TEN YEARS AFTER to take the stage: Chick Churchill, Leo Lyons, Ric Lee
were introduced as "the three original members with new guitarist Joe Gooch".
(At every gig on this tour the band was introduced in the same manner)
TEN YEARS AFTER hit the stage, plugged in and blasted the audience with "I Woke Up This Morning", everybody knows this song by heart, and the band and the audience took off for the next two hours. Joe played lightening clear riffs with strong vocals and had total audience approval and respect. Joe was supported by the three "Rock & Roll Veterans", so he had no problem winning over the spirit of the audience. Leo was his usual powerhouse self on bass guitar, and Ric added to this pressure cooker through his pounding drumbeats, "Hobbit" has a new kind of energy and the crowd went wild. You would think that the big story with the fans would be the absence of Alvin Lee but it wasn't, it has nothing at all to do with that situation, the main comments were about Chick Churchill. Chick plays several outstanding solos with a real variety of styles, he is no longer limited to playing only slow blues, he is amazing.
The audience in
Hamburg were excited to be able to see Ten Years After live on stage once again. "Me and my
Baby", "Redhouse Blues" and the "Top-Hit" "I'd
Love To Change The World" were real Rock Classics, which everybody loved to
listen to and sing along with, it was a good change to play these songs that had
been lying dormant for way too many years. When Joe played "Love Like A Man"
he himself went into an expression of manic frenzy that forced the crowd to rush
the stage with thunderous applause after every solo. Joe Gooch is the one in a
million guitarist who is the best and only choice to help skyrocket the band
back into world class stardom and international acclaim.
Rocking to "50,000 Miles
Beneath My Brain" /"Good Morning Little Schoolgirl" and rolling to the
legendary "I'm Going Home" were mind blowing. Two hours and three encores later
none of us could even talk from screaming for more, and yelling Joe,Joe,Joe!!! Ric,Leo,Chick!!!
The audience gave the band a
much deserved standing ovation - TEN YEARS AFTER IS BACK!!! A great evening was
had by all, and everyone there agreed it was a performance of the highest class.
The audience in Hamburg is in great anticipation to see Ten Years After once
again in
Summer 2003, with the release of their new CD / DVD and tour through Europe and
the U.S.A.
Thanks to TEN YEARS AFTER - Joe, Leo, Ric, Chick, thanks also to Brigitte and Dave, for the wonderful evening and the most memorable
event--that we will never forget.
Torsten Strube
Playlist 1. I Woke
Up This Morning 2.
Hear Me Calling 3. I May Be Wrong 4. Love Like A Man 5. Bad Blood |