Alvin Lee  - today                                    Chapter 20

2004-Photos by Dragan Tasic

Interview by Robert Silverstein

Tim Hinkley on Alvin Lee 

2004-Photos by Silvia

2007-Photos by Ole Hagen


 Photos © Dragan Tasic

Alvin Lee in Bellinzona, Switzerland, 2004




Photos © Dragan Tasic, Photographer

Many Thanks to Dragan Tasic for sharing his great photos of Alvin Lee

Please visit his website   for more excellent photography
website with over 1000 blues and jazz Artists and over 50,000 shots



2004-Photos by Dragan Tasic

Interview by Robert Silverstein

Tim Hinkley on Alvin Lee 

2004-Photos by Silvia

2007-Photos by Ole Hagen

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